Discovery Series 2 1999 - 2004




Elegance with Attitude! 



Wind Storm - Discovery 1999 - 2004

The Wind Storm is the most exciting diesel powered build in the Storm Series range. Built for the ultimate driving experience both on-road and off-road. The Fire Storm is a real head turner with a real presence, both sexy and aggressive.

Additional Enhancements

Choose from the following enhancements to personalize your Storm Series build.

2.5 Litre Td5 Engine Overhaul

All our diesel engine rebuilds are carried out the same. All engines are machined and fitted with new parts fitted throughout. A new water pump and oil pump is also fitted. The engine is balanced before assembly for smooth running. Cylinder heads are checked for hardness and reconditioned. All parts are chemically cleaned before installation.

Note: The inlet manifold and the retain ed components are not reconditioned along with all sensory items to operate the engine. These are not covered in this rebuild.

This price is an estimate as reconditioning is subject to engine condition.

ZF Automatic Transmission Overhaul - Electronic

For the Discovery series 2 vehicles with the electronic valve body. These are a standard automatic built with heavy duty internals with larger 1st gear and oil pump installed.  These are the strongest ZF we can offer.  In addition to the internal upgrades. We also install a heavy duty torque converter which is larger in diameter and reduces automatic temperature. Lowers the engine stall and uses more of the engine rev range. These automatics are well suited to the larger 4.6 V8 upgrades and the Td5 VNT upgrade.

LT77 or R380 rebuilds

Fully rebuilt 5 speed gearbox. With all new bearings, syncros, and any gears and / or shafts that need replacing. 

Td5 Clutch Kit

If fitting a new engine or gearbox it is worth considering installing a new genuine Land Rover dual mass clutch.

To suit Td5 diesel engines. 


LT230 Transfercase overhaul

Like our gearboxes the LT230 transfercase is re-raced, stripped, cleaned and inspected.

 Select this to rebuild the LT230 transfercase.

LT230 Transfercase Helical Centre Diff Upgrade

Highly recommended especially in the high horsepower builds, the helical centre diff upgrade automatically transfers power front to back with out the selection of the centre diff lock. Helps with towing and reduces front wheel wheel spin.

High pinion 9" Rear Diff Upgrade

If selected a LS driveline package it is highly recommended to upgrade the rear diff as the standard rear diff is well underrated even with all the upgrades we carry out. The low 9" diff can not be used with the LS drivetrain. The Hi 9  reduces propshaft universal angles and keeps the diff pinion well off the ground. With a 9' crown wheel with extra pinion support these diffs are as tough as nails and only reduces ground clearance by 15mm. Complete with rear axles, diff, ARB locker, diff housing  and rear propshaft..

Price subject to international exchange rates and freight alterations!

Low Pinion 9" Rear Diff Upgrade

If wanting a much stronger rear diff setup than Land Rover offer the selection of the Ford 9" upgrade is your best option. The low pinion 9" diff  can be installed in all RRC and D1's with standard driveline packages. Fitted with an ARB rear diff lock and 31 spline axles offers the best rear axle strength without sacrificing to much ground clearance. Complete with rear axles, diff, ARB locker, diff housing  and rear propshaft..

Price subject to international exchange rates and freight alterations!