Storm Series
It is illegal to......
Raise your Land Rover by more than 50mm.
Adding accessories to your vehicle can easily push it over the GVM
Fitting larger tyres like 33" or 35"
Replacing suspension components.
This is just naming a few of the very simple conversions carried out each day.
Thats why here at Les Richmond Automotive, our Storm Series builds have been specially crafted and tested, backed by our vehicle engineer to pass the rigorous Australian Design Rules including the 110Km/h swerve test. Be assured our Storm Series builds are not like any other builds in the world. They have been strengthened and tested over and over. With compliant new GVM of 3050Kg and up to 35" tyres fitted with all the accessories we pride ourselves on the product we produce. Remember these are custom built 4WD's, the hardest vehicles to build in Australia and keep road legal.